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Disponibile un secondo aggiornamento cumulativo del mese dedicato a Windows 10 | KB5005101

Microsoft ha provveduto da pochi minuti a rilasciare un nuovo aggiornamento cumulativo per la versione stabile di Windows 10 su PC e Tablet.

Nonostante l’update arrivi oggi, Microsoft segnala l’aggiornamento come il secondo update di agosto (2021-08), quello relativo a settembre sarà ufficialmente disponibile il secondo martedì del mese. La nuova versione disponibile al download per tutti gli utenti (in maniera facoltativa da Windows Update) che utilizzano la versione stabile di Windows 10 viene identificata dal numero di build 19043.1202 (KB5005101).

In particolare Microsoft segnala:

  • Updates a rare condition that causes Bluetooth headsets to only work for voice calls.
  • Updates an issue that provides the wrong Furigana result when you cancel the Japanese reconversion.
  • Updates an issue that resets syncing for Microsoft OneDrive to “Known folders only” after you install a Windows update.
  • Updates an issue that prevents audio headsets that connect to a device using USB from working if the device has certain third-party audio drivers.
  • Updates an issue with resizing images that might produce flickering and residual line artifacts.
  • Updates an issue that prevents you from typing any words in the username box during the out-of-box experience (OOBE) process. This issue occurs when you use the Chinese Input Method Editor (IME).
  • Updates an issue with copying and pasting a text box into Office 365 apps. If you use an IME, you won’t be able to insert text into the text box.
  • Updates an issue that might cause your device to stop working when making a touch input gesture. This issue occurs if you bring more fingers into contact with the touchpad or screen during the middle of the gesture.
  • Updates an issue that might cause an external monitor to display a black screen after Hibernation. This issue might occur when the external monitor connects to a docking station using a certain hardware interface.
  • Updates an issue that resets the brightness for standard dynamic range (SDR) content on high-dynamic range (HDR) monitors. This occurs after you restart your device or reconnect to the device remotely.

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