Windows 11: Disponibile la nuova build (2262x.450) per gli Insider | Beta Channel
Microsoft continua lo sviluppo del proprio sistema operativo e proprio in queste ore ha provveduto a rilasciando una nuova build per gli utenti iscritti al programma Beta Channel.
Microsoft in particolare segnala la disponibilità della build 22621.450 e Build 22622.450 (KB5015890) per gli iscritti al programma Beta Channel (la prima con le nuove funzionalità attive di default, la seconda con le nuove funzionalità disattivate) implementando le seguenti novità:
- New! We enhanced Microsoft Defender for Endpoint’s ability to identify and intercept ransomware and advanced attacks.
- New! We compressed a file regardless of its size if you have configured Server Message Block (SMB) Compression.
- New! We improved storage replication that occurs over low bandwidth or congested wide area networks (WAN).
- We fixed an issue that causes Windows to display tablet mode features for some devices that do not have touchscreens.
- We fixed an issue that causes some application windows to have blank sections in the Task View preview.
- We fixed an issue that occurs for some of you when you copy files from network drives. The error code is 0x80070026.
- We fixed a token leak issue in the LsapGetClientInfoEx
- We fixed an issue that, in certain cases, causes sihost.exe to use a high amount of the CPU.
- We fixed an issue that causes Microsoft Edge to stop responding when you use IE mode. This issue also prevents you from interacting with a dialog.
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